I am... I'm not sure what word to use for it. Ridiculously excited? Thrilled beyond measure? Happy as a clam in a bed of mud? Are clams happy in mud? I am not sure. Sand? It doesn't really matter.
I got my scores back for my teaching certification course, and I am a-okay with the world! This semester I'd had to write paper on paper for that course, all in the name of being gainfully employed in the future and I'll admit.. I procrastinated.
A lot.
But! Wonder of wonders, I got (um.. the majority of) the work turned in and it was enough! I passed! Plus, next semester I don't have to worry about writing papers or anything of the sort, I just get to have my observer-person-dude come in and watch me a few times. Do you know what this means? The enormity of this situation? The hard part is over! I am practically free! Until I choose to try to get my master's, which, let's face it... might happen. Maybe.
Anyway, in celebration, I am enclosing a picture of my (now my mom's--she's a thief) pet cat, when he was a cute little baby kitten that played and played for hours until I had to force him to leave the room because, gosh, I was trying to sleep and a girl needs her sleep, you know?
1 comment:
D'aww. Kitty. <3
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