Tuesday, December 28, 2010

It ain't love until it's over.

Okay, Christmas is over, I'm back at my apartment, listening to the baby crying next door and the dog running around upstairs while a guy yells "Knock it off" at it.

Life is good?

I'm also savoring the last quarter of my Christmas holiday. Today I am going to be productive as hell, that's my intention at least, and I've already started... kind of? I'm dying my hair, if that counts as being productive. I mean, it should count, since it's something that I've intended to do and haven't done it. In the grand scheme of things it doesn't mean much... if you count having great hair as something that doesn't mean much, which I don't personally, but I realize that it's a big world out there and probably lots of people think differently than I do.

Most people.

I'm not really sure what else a productive day entails. I'll clean my apartment, I guess, and finish cleaning my car. I started cleaning my car yesterday but ran out of inclination. That sounds bad. I should make up a good excuse for why I stopped cleaning my car.

Okay, I was cleaning my car yesterday when all of a sudden I got a text message from a mysterious number that I'd never seen before. The text message said, "I'm watching you and I like your sweater." I looked around but couldn't see anyone so I decided that it was too creepy and went back inside.

How's that? It sounds much better. We'll go with that one.

I think it must sound really mundane and boring, my life, at this point. And I'll tell you what. It kind of is. But the funny thing is that I like it? It's calm and relaxing and I'm going to appreciate it while I can. And meditate. Or something.

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