I bet you thought I was going to talk about gossiping and causing trouble and making life difficult, like some people are fond of doing.
Well, I'm not. My life is fairly drama-free at the moment. Well, at least by that definition of the word. If you want to use drama as a term for theater production, then my life is fairly full of it, since I teach it twice a day five days a week. Also, my life is fairly full of it if you take use the term as one for short Korean television series.
Which I am.
So last week I finished watching 장난스런 키스. Sixteen episodes. I watched one a day for about.. um.. 16 days*. It was cute and surprisingly lacking in all the big emotional moments that most dramas have. No one died. The female antagonist wasn't evil, she didn't seem even that unsympathetic. Everyone got a happy ending. The main male character got a horrible perm halfway through and that made me sad. Anyway, I liked it.
I don't really understand the perm on boys. On girls, yeah. I tried it. It personally did not work for me, but I can see the appeal. For boys? No.
Now I have to find another one to watch. I think Daniel Henney was in one that ended recently, so it's probably online. Except I think it's a spy/thriller/action drama, and I find those way less fun. Because I'm not a boy. But then again... it's Daniel Henney. You can see my dilemma here. Plus, the chances of him getting a perm anywhere at anytime seem slim indeed. Reassuringly so.
The semester ends this week. My first semester of school-teacher-ing. I don't feel very school teacher-y, even considering that I went to the coffee shop this afternoon and spent three hours (!) grading.
This week will consist of three normal days (one of which is my Library day, and you are mistaken if you think I'm not going to take my students to the Library. Very mistaken. Ridiculously so.) and then two exam days where we have early releases. It's going to be tremendous.
Then? Then two weeks of unadulterated bliss. Christmas vacation. I could get used to this whole teacher thing, especially when it means I get two weeks of holiday when I used to get three days overseas. I will need to consider what I plan on doing with my time, since going to visit my parents can only take so long.
I will make a list.
Not now, though. I'm tired.
*I am good at math.
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