Monday, December 06, 2010


Do I really need one? I just really like the Cure somedays, and I can't really tell what Robert Smith is saying mostdays so having the lyrics helps me out there. It might help you out there, too. Don't judge.

My weekend went way too quickly, and it was busy, and I forgot how much I sometimes dislike having busy weekends. I guess I hadn't experienced enough of them lately to remember, but once I did, it was like an immediate visceral reaction, and suddenly all I could think was, "Man, I just want to stay home." Not that I wasn't having fun, because I was, I don't know what comes over me sometimes. I probably just like to complain. Or maybe since it's getting cold, I'm entering hibernation mode, even though it's not half as cold as it was in Korea?

Sundance Square Christmas

It's getting cold, though, without a doubt. And there are Christmas lights, and Christmas trees, and the other day I bought gingerbread cookie mix, though I'm not really sure why because I lack all kitchen utensils necessary for creating gingerbread cookies. Except, maybe a bowl. I guess it's for the future, when I someday own more kitchen utensils, and feel like eating gingerbread men.

Gingerbread men are pretty awesome, though.

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