But it's okay! Because I accept it. Besides, as I so eloquently explained it to my old boss, the highlight of my day now is when I get to make a trip to Wal-Mart. I have to drive 40 minutes to get a latte. I like lattes, but that sure is a long time to get one, so I rarely get to have them.
I had one today, though. It was pretty epic. Iced hazelnut lattes are what will get me through this summer. Even if they come around about once a week.
It had been raining off an on for almost the past two weeks. It kind of felt like monsoon season for awhile. I really like the rain, but there's a bad (or good, depending on how you view it) affect. It makes the grass grow. To ridiculously great heights. Yesterday, it FINALLY stopped raining, and then all I head up and down the block were lawnmowers. Loud, accusatory lawnmowers. Lawnmowers raging at me, for allowing such tall plant-life to grow in my own yard. Well, not my own yard, technically my parent's yard, but I guess lawnmowers don't differentiate when it comes to the jungle growing in front of the house.
So I mowed the yard.
I'm telling you this for three reasons.
1. I have lived exclusively in apartments for the past 9 years. That means... I haven't had to do any yard work in 9 years. I haven't mowed a yard in 9 years.... so boy, did my hands chafe. I couldn't feel my index fingers for the entire night.
2. I stepped in 3 beds of ants. Count them. 1.2.3. BEDS OF ANTS. Of course, I stepped in them after I ran the lawnmower over them, so they weren't too happy. And they showed that by swarming over my ankles and biting me. On three separate occasions. You would think I'd learn to watch where I'm stepping. Apparently not. Did any of you ever see the episode of Dirty Jobs where Mike's alligator hunting and gets bitten by ants?
Wait, I will show you.
Yeah, it's basically like that.
3. My next door neighbor is in her 80's, and she's a scrappy little thing. She mows her yard every day, uses the weedeater, sweeps the sidewalks.. we've even seen her going over her lawn with scissors. So when she saw me mowing the gigantic forest that had sprouted on the other side of the street.... well, to say that she approved would be an understatement. She came by to talk to me 3 different times during the course of my physical labor... the first time to verify that I was actually going to mow the yard... the second time to bring me a soda and a cup of ice... and the last time to press some Hershey's kisses into my hand. "These'll give you energy," she said.
And she was right. They did.
Too bad they couldn't ward off ant attacks.
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