Friday, July 02, 2010


I'm struggling with the idea of transparency, here. I mean, how much am I supposed to share on the great big old internet? Or how much is too much? I can tell you my height (5'7) or my favorite color (it's gray) (yes, really) but I just can't seem to feel okay about revealing too much in regards to my real life, or how I'm feeling....deep down.... or things like that. I realize it's better if I can share more, because then it's more interesting for anyone who happens to read this (if anyone happens to read this) and it also is a good way for me to remember what's happened at this point in my life.

I've kept "blogs" before, and I've kept written journals, and in both formats I struggle with this. I think this conflict stems from how little I edited from my journals when I was younger, and how mortified I was about what I had written down. Now, remembering them, they're not so bad. Mostly diatribes about how much I loathed whichever sibling I was fighting with at the time, or gushing praise about whichever boy I liked at the time. But reading what my 12 year old self had written when I was 18 was a bit of an eye-opener. And I guess it was then that I decided that 'twas better to be vague and confused than to talk too much about how cute Devon Sawa was. Do you remember Devon Sawa? I do. I had about 12 of his posters tacked up on the wall right next to my bed and I would look at him before I went to sleep each night and...

Oh. Right. Transparency.

I'm making an effort here. Or, at least, I'll try to make an effort here. I can't guarantee that I'll always be very forthright about what's happening in my life because... well... I just can't. There are some things a girl can't talk about. Like how many Diet Dr. Peppers they drink in a day.

You have to draw the line somewhere.

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