Monday, June 25, 2012

Going to the dentist today. Yay for free cleanings, otherwise I'd be cancelling the appointment that I made back in January because I am going to Korea in a month, darlin', and I am broke until then. Plane tickets are expensive. Geez. And there's still a little concern as to whether the camp I'm going to be working at will cancel. I didn't even think that would be a concern until one of the camps that I had optioned going to (they were my second choice) emailed me and said that they were cancelling the camp. So my first choice became my only choice and I sent the documents off already and get to wait for my passport to come back with a c-4 visa in it and once it does, I will wait to see if the camp gets randomly cancelled and if it doesn't, I am a happy girl.

There are a lot of conditionals in this scenario. I don't really like it. I keep making backup plans but there aren't any to make. If the camp goes as planned, I go there, work, and come home with a wad of dough. If the camp does not go as plan, I go there, play, and come home pretty darn broke. Either way is going to be a good time!

I think I'm going to go through the elaborate steps required to procure a C-4 Visa for South Korea in the next few weeks or so. I'd say "days", but it's probably not going to be that soon. It's summer vacation, ya'll. I have sleeping to do.

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