Also, notice how terribly brown and dry everything is. Texas has been suffering from the most ridiculous drought ever and basically everything is catching on fire. I was reading about the terrible fires around Austin, and I know that Possum Kingdom had another surge of fires last week and gosh, people. Just stop burning things already. Even little things.
Also pleasant, my classes this year. I'm not going to get into much detail but I do feel like I will enjoy my second year of teaching. First years are always difficult, and I'm glad I didn't end up with a job over the summer because by the time that last bell rang in May, I felt like a mushy pulp that had just been poured from a blender. It's taken an entire summer of lazing around to get over it and I was still bracing myself that first day, waiting for that one class that I just knew would be the worst.class.ever. So far, I'm still waiting and even though it's only been two weeks, I'm holding out hope that the kids stay the way they've been so far.
My birthday is in a week, too, which I guess can be pleasant or not depending on how you look at it. While the idea of aging isn't terribly fun, at least I'm still under 30. Also, I feel like this year's birthday will be better than last year's, which was celebrated by splurging on pizza, because I was too poor to afford a real splurge. I mean, don't get me wrong, I do like pizza, but not as my sole birthday extravagance. The boyfriend's birthday is the day before mine, so we'll have a weekend of celebrating, and by celebrating, I mean probably watching Bizarre Foods on Netflix and making something yummy for dinner. And having cake. And eating it, too.
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