Monday, July 18, 2011

Knees, knees.

Well my knees are shiny and newly fleshed, so the world is looking like a much better place these days. The boyfriend and I were hoping I'd be all patched up in time to make the Parker County Peach Pedal the Saturday after my fall, but Thursday was the last day to sign up and I wasn't sure if I would have made it and we decided to forget about it for this year. My knees were still pretty painful up until Friday night, and then they turned itchy. Soooo painfully itchy. I took off all remaining bandages right there and this past week they dried out and flaked and itched and this weekend I was back in the saddle and making another go at the Trinity River Trails.

After 13 miles or so, I got a flat tire.

It's beginning to appear that I'm not meant to get past the 13 mile mark on a bicycle.

Fortunately, the boyfriend had brought things to fix the flat. Unfortunately, he was out of CO2 to air the tire back up and he rode back to get his car and retrieve me while I began the lonely walk of shame towards the park. Several people rode by and asked if I was okay and I responded in the affirmative. Bicyclists are so nice! Then a man coming in the opposite direction rode over and fixed the flat right up. His name was Eugene and he had ridden for 56 miles so far. I was impressed. After the tire was fixed and aired up, I rode to the edge of the park and watched people toil up the incline to the path over the river. Hills, how I loathe thee.

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